Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 10 in thankful thoughts

I'm heartbroken. I'm trying to be thankful. The son of my dear friend died Tuesday due to complications from cystic fibrosis. He was 20 and so much fun. It was expected, but not expected.
My favorite memory of Carol is when she entered my sewing/laundry/yarn room to sew camo jackets for her sons. Not many people have been allowed to enter my domain.
She was so much fun to be around and I cherish that memory. It is one of the few "friend" memories I have. I tend not to do much with other women.
I should not be such a loner and do something.
Anyway, I've posted on Facebook that I'm grateful that I can be grumpy and not feel guilty. I am grateful for people who really care about others.
It's been a difficult, difficult week. Yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

4th, 5th & 6th of 30 Thankful Days

Thursday and Friday got away from me as far as writing down what I am thankful for, but I woke up with the thought.
Thursday I was grateful for crockpots. I feel in love with the cooking device 30 years ago. I have used up a couple. I enjoy cooking roasts, stews and chilis in a crockpot or slow cooker. I love coming home from work to a cooked dinner.
Friday I was thankful for fall. It is so beautiful right now. The golden leaves make everything look golden outside. It feels so peaceful.
Today I am grateful once again for my grandchildren and my children. I am so thankful for these wonderful, amazing little people who call me Granny, Gramala or Damma. They are so smart and kind. I am blessed to have them all living so close and even more blessed my children and their spouses allow these sweet souls to come spend the night with me once a month. We watched Toy Story 3 last night and it reminded me how quickly this thing called childhood will pass and Me like Buzz and Woody will no longer be needed by these beautiful children but maybe there will be other little ones who will play with us. Yes I cried.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3rd Day of 30 Days of Thankfulness

Today I'm thankful for my husband of 31 years. We met 32 years ago this month. I thought he was the most handsome man I have ever seen. And he made me laugh...a lot. He still does.
I still remember when I proposed to him, shortly after Christmas. Told him, "Let's go to Nevada and get married."
He thought I was joking.
It took him a month longer to realize we were going to get married.
I love my man, Rod. He's been the best thing that has ever happened to me. He believes in me. He has encouraged me to do whatever I want to do most of the time. He, like President Hinckley, is a man who lets his wife do what she wants to do and stays out of the way. He knows how much I love my children and grandchildren. He knows how much I love to help others.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2 of 30 Thankful Days

Today I'm grateful for the opportunity and privilege of voting. Too many people out there said it doesn't count. Well, it doesn't if you don't vote.
My father, Richard J Dunn, my grandfather, Eldon Fay Watts and my uncles, all fought and served this country so we could vote.
So basically get out there and vote. If you don't vote, don't whine about where this country is going. I don't agree with everyone, but I do agree we need to stand up for what we believe in, even if that vote ends up on the losing side.

Monday, November 1, 2010

30 Thankful days
The beginning. My daughter-in-law, Megan, has inspired me to write this blog. Each day I will write something I'm thankful for.
Today, Monday, Nov. 1, 2010, I am thankful for my children and their spouses who are truly, caring, kind and concerned parents.
I was in 2nd District Court in Farmington this morning and a 20-year-old man was sentenced to jail for breaking the femur and fracturing the skull of a 2-year-old last November. The little girl was the child of his girlfriend. The mom didn't buy his story.
I wasn't there for his case, but I did some checking and may do a story.
I know what bones sound like when they break. I accidently broke my son's foot when he was 4 years old. I knelt down to help him pick up his toys and landed on his foot. He screamed. I cried. We went to the doctor.
I know what a femur is like to heal. Same son, two years later. He gets in the way of a motorcycle on 2000 West. I was stupid and allowed him to cross the street by himself with his older friend. He got ran over and his femur was broke. It took weeks of healing.
I know my children are human and get frustrated with their kids, but none of them would intentionally injure a child because the child is crying.
They know they can call me and I will come get my grandchild or grandchildren.
I am so grateful to have caring and kind adult children who are wonderful parents to their children.