Thursday, May 1, 2014

Adjusting without Jade

Meet my dog Jade, probably the last dog who will be part of my every day life. She entered my life in April of 2000. I walked into Davis Animal Shelter looking for a dog for my boss and came across this gorgeous Brittany Spaniel, who was left there because the owner didn't realize Brittany's bounce. 

Jade was the third Brittany Spaniel who was part of our family. She passed away on Feb. 28, 2014, at the age of 15 1/12 years old. She was beginning to forget who we were and sometimes would snap at us. She did recognize her leash and knew that red leash meant it was time for a walk. She loved walks and runs. And she could go on forever, even if that meant one mile. They bounce, they run, they jump, they are just full of activity and love, love, love their humans.

My daughter, Terra Cooper, took these photos on Christmas Eve. I cherish these photos. I wish I had photos like this with my other dogs; Jancy, Josie and Buffy. I love dogs. They give you a reason to get out of bed early every day. They wag their bodies when you come home from work and bark for you to give them loves. 

I loved watching Jade run after her Pheasant. Other dogs have balls. Jade had Pheasant. She could chase that thing all day long and would carry it around, even though as she got older it made her mouth sore. 

One more time...please. 

I miss her. 

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